movement  system_

sending missionaries to  digital  spaces

Discipleship is crucial to making an impact in digital and virtual spaces. is a missionary sending agency, sending missionaries into digital spaces.


::Reproducing Disciples Catalyst [RDC]

Movements start with one.

How? Because within each seed is the potential of a forest. When disciples make disciples, and those go and do the same, a movement is catalyzed. The problem is many churches are filled with seedless grapes: There is fruit, but that fruit isn’t reproducing.

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::Reproducing Leaders Catalyst [RLC]

Often movements are blocked because leaders aren’t reproducing more leaders; they simply do kingdom work without equipping others to lead as well. Whether you lead ten people or ten thousand, Reproducing Leaders Catalyst will help you and your team develop a Hero Making culture.

Drawing on five essential practices found in Jesus’ ministry, Reproducing Leader Catalyst presents practical strategies to multiply your dreams, initiate permission-giving conversations, develop an apprenticeship system that works, activate your leaders’ gifts, and develop a simple scoreboard that measures kingdom-building progress.

However, practices aren’t enough. Why? Because we know that “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” So we will also spend time helping you and your team shift the culture of your church to a model of reproducing and multiplication at the leadership level.


:: Reproducing Church Catalyst [RCC]

If you’ve planted a church and now want to plant another – or several – we can help! We’ve worked with hundreds of church leaders all over the world reproduce at every level. After all, the more churches planted, the greater impact for the Kingdom.

The Reproducing Church Catalyst helps a local church become a REPRODUCING CHURCH. It is a 6 part, online training for church teams to establish reproducing DNA within their church. You will mobilize simple, sustainable systems of leadership development and apprenticeship.


:: Reproducing Network Catalyst [RNC]

If you have planted a church or two and are now wanting to see even more churches planted, we can help. We help Movement Makers start and sustain networks of churches that plant new churches.

A network of 4-6 churches working together to plant new churches eases the burden of church planting, yields more fruit and honestly, is much more fun.

We help leaders like you all over the world build networks of churches that plant new churches together. Network leadership is a unique call and responsibility and we are committed to coming alongside you to help you start, sustain and reproduce networks.

Our Reproducing Network Catalyst helps local churches launch a REPRODUCING NETWORK. It includes one-on-one coaching and training where we unpack our best practices in launching a church planting network. We’ll help you identify and work with 5-10 churches in your city to develop an Action Learning Plan for launching your own church planting network.


:: Reproducing Movement Catalyst [RMC]

We’re sure you agree: The church doesn’t have a mission – the mission has a church.

That’s why we come alongside visionary, apostolic leaders like you all over the world and help them start and sustain movements of reproducing churches.

You’ve planted a church or three. You’ve worked with other leaders to plant churches. Now you want to see more churches in your region plant churches together.

We can help.

We are dedicated to helping leaders like you fulfill the Great Collaboration (John 17) and plant new churches who reproduce to the 3rd and 4th generations. We have proven tools and coaching to help you and your friends start movements. We have done this on 5 continents and nearly 40 countries.

Reproducing Movement Catalyst helps a group of like-minded churches launch a REPRODUCING MOVEMENT. We gather like-minded churches in a region to share simple tools and methods, hear from God together, and become friends on mission. We’ll help you start a regional church planting movement of reproducing churches planting churches.

go  and 

make  disciples

<in  digital  spaces>

If you are being called to be a missionary in digital spaces, The Church Digital Fam is for you.

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